(the video in English: "In the life, as important is unlearning as learning")
A few years ago when I started
studying at university, a teacher called my attention about a very routine fact
which I had not noticed carefully, and it was the "unlearn". Until
then, this word had nothing strange to me, and I guess for readers who are
reading this text now is not strange. However, if we remember what
"learning" is, in descriptive terms, then we will see what is special
about it.
According to Dojman´s definition,
"Learning is a lasting change in the behavior mechanisms that involves
incentives and/or specific answers and that is the result of the previous
experience with these stimuli and responses or with others similar". This
is the basis of learning (although I personally would replace the word "behavior"
with "cognitive", because we not always talk about behaviors themselves,
but keep us in mind that is a behavioral definition). Well, let think about
"unlearning". Is this something like an imaginary eraser
that removes all the associations we have made when we learn anything? If
you allow me another metaphor, would it look like when we sew something and,
suddenly, we decided to undo what we had made by cutting and removing it from
its place? But when it is erased, there are remains, sometimes the paper is
damaged or the pencil is marked, and when we unpick, the holes are made. Therefore,
this process would always leave marks on us, one way or another. The thing that
we lived cannot be eliminated by magic, our experiences will always leave remains
in our history, we can only change our future, so, we should say we can only create
it. The good thing is that our past will always make us grow if we let it.
Contrasting this little thought to
the idea of unlearning, we can begin to glimpse a little inconsistency, right?
Although "unlearn" is a commonly used word, it is not actually like
in the simile of the rubber or the thread, but what really happens is
re-learning, we re-create another behavioral sequence which we modify the
components, this is the definition of RElearn. For example, if I learn that 2
+2 is 5, and I go to do an exam and I fail the question: how much is 2 +2?,
then it will not be unlearn (delete, erase). Instead, I RElearn that 2 +2 is 4,
so even in the future I could laugh remembering my mistake. I mean, I still have
not forgotten that I used to think in that way.
As I said, you can not eliminate
what we live, so I invite you to think about how important can be the things we
say or do, and how it can hurt others, either because we had a bad day or we
thought the things twice before doing or saying them. How many injuries have we
done to others without realizing the impact of our actions or words? Put yourself
in the shoes of others is a good resource, and also look at ourselves can help
us. How many of you still have marks left by the nails of those who harmed us, even
when they apologized, pulling out the needle object, but leaving the scar? We
relearn from our mistakes. We should try not to damage, instead of apologize,
do not you think?
That is all for today. Thank you
for your time and I hope you like my first post. I send greetings to all. Have a good week!
Me alegra que hayas dado con la clave para dejar de destrozarte los ojos :P La piel de esa zona es muy delicada ¡así que hay que tratarla con mucho mimo para que no se nos estropeé y llene de arrugas!
ResponderEliminarPor cierto, muy buen inglés ;)
Todo va genial neni ^^ pero os echo mucho de menos u.u
ResponderEliminarY sí, hija mía... esto de adentrarte en este mundillo es un asco... ¡no hay dinero para todo! xDDDDDDDDD
Pero de momento he encontrado al lado de mi casa dónde comprar los OPI ^^ lo cual mola mucho porque no tendré gastos de envío xDDD
Te contesto por aquí porque ya sabes que no te avisa si te contesto en mi blog xD
ResponderEliminarEl libro yo lo he comprado en la tienda manga de aquí y lo venden también en el Fnac y eso. No sé si lo venderán en el Corte Inglés o alguna libreria rollo Casa del libro o algo =/ porque como es un libro ilustrado...
El precio son 12€ ^__^ y en el Otacon de diciembre mi prima estará aqui firmando =D
Por cierto, no habia visto que habias puesto una foto de Yue >w< ains, que monoooo! <3
¡Hola de nuevo! ^^
ResponderEliminarYo tampoco entiendo lo de las bolsas xD allí los llaman "puffy eyes"... está bien que, para varia, no se luche en contra de la naturaleza para aspirar a un ideal de belleza ¿no crees?
Yo bajaré a Sevilla el 1 de Diciembre para defender la tesina, ¿quieres que te lleve un contorno WHITE? (si puedes acercarte, claro xD)
Te respondo aqui lo de mi blog xD
ResponderEliminarEn el videoclip si cantan los actores de verdad y ahora que lo dices XD verdad que puede parecerse a lo de Charlie, aunque no se dejan llevar por las drogas ni nada xD
La verdad es que te recomendaria verla, yo la vi por series.ly pero no sé si seguirá estando con lo de Megaupload y tal... aunque a lo mejor está en otro server, no sé.